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Connection "Sad child? Nature. Cranky child? Nature. Bored Child? Nature. Your welcome" -Penny Whitehouse changes. As I witness him pack his backpack with a mix of excitement and un- certainty, I'm reminded of the joy that comes from hanging out with an eleven-year-old; every in- terac5on a glimpse into their evolving understand- ing of the world, convers- ing like mini-adults while s5ll cherishing moments of childhood wonder. During this 5me, the outer world has a profound impact on our children. Today more than ever, friends and and even more so—social media— are strong forces that shape our children, whether we are aware of it or not. What really happens dur- ing this 5me of puberty? Puberty is very individual- ized, and development oc- curs at different 5mes and comes from La5n "pubes- cere" which means age of maturity. From my experi- ence it o%en can be painful, and self-conscious, but also an exci5ng period. It is like watching a beau5- ful flower slowly open. During this 5me, so many changes occur on mul5ple levels. Understanding this has been incredibly helpful with my other three chil- dren and enabled me to be less triggered by their be- havior and more under- standing. Physically, there is a growth spurt in height and strength, which leads to developments such as pubic hair growth, breast development, facial hair growth, and the deepening of the voice. Mentally, ado- lescents experience a strengthening of moral rea- soning, the emergence of complex thinking abili5es, the capacity to imagine possibili5es and an5cipate consequences, as well as an increased understand- ing of others' perspec5ves. Emo5onally, there is a de- sire for independence from family, the forma5on of a 54 HOOK MAGAZINE | 2024