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P arenting In The Digital Age r t f Text by Dana Daly Graphic by :kateryna kovarzh I o%en find solace and answers when spending 5me in nature and really observe my surround- ings without distrac5ons. When my children were li6le, one of my favorite places to go was by a stream or any small river to watch the water flow by in an ever- changing flow. As a mother, I o%en compare my journey to a stream that flows through an ever-changing terrain, traveling through the landscape of my chil- dren's growth and change. Along the way, encountering many twists and turns, calm waters, and rapid currents. One of the most transforma5ve stretches of this journey occurs during the ages of eleven to thirteen. This period, o%en referred to as early adoles- cence, is marked by profound changes that shape who our chil- dren are and who they will be- come. It is a 5me of discovery, growth, and some5mes turbu- lence, as they navigate the com- plex waters of physical, emo5onal, and social development. As care- takers, guiding them through this pivotal phase is both a challenge and a privilege, filled with mo- ments of wonder and reflec5on. My firstborn is now eighteen, and my youngest just turned eleven. You would think that a%er all these years of raising three teenage girls, I would be seasoned and ready for my youngest's tran- si5on. Yet, each of my children has brought a unique gi% that humbles me, making me feel like a beginner all over again. Each one compels me to ask ques5ons, to inquire about who they are and what they need, especially during this vital 5me of transforma5on. As my son now stands on the threshold of middle school at the age of eleven, it is bringing forth a blend of opportuni5es and chal- lenges in paren5ng. Amidst the whirlwind of emo5ons swirling within him, I find solace in the moments we share, where con- versa5ons flow effortlessly, and he begins to see the world through a more mature lens. Evenings have become our 5me to connect, of- fering precious moments of ex- Developing healthier habits & feeling more connected online and offline. 2024 | HOOK MAGAZINE 53

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