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By David Neilsen Therapy Chickens — Let the Wisdom of the Flock Bring You Joy by Tedra Hamel I've never thought of chickens with much in- terest, but a#er seeing them through the eyes of author Tedra Hamel, I am giving them a special look. A#er a brief introduc3on, is a series of different traits and behaviors. Each trait is a single page and is accompanied by a beau3ful drawing of one of Hamel's chickens. She keeps a flock herself, and each miniature family member makes abundant appearances throughout the book. There's even a sec3on in the back where she describes the person- ality, type and organiza3on of each member of her flock. So what can we learn from chickens? Chick- ens nurture their young and care for one an- other, daydream their way to perfect contentment, and con3nually preen them- selves to keep healthy and clean. They con- front one another rather than back down, reflect upon their lives, and dance with aban- don. They forgive one another, observe the world around them, and always stay hy- drated. The list goes on. There are over 50 in- Hunt For the Shadow Wolf by Derek Gow Once upon a 3me there were wolves in Britain. This may seem obvious, but the truth is, hard evidence of the presence of wolves in Great Britain is not altogether easy to find. What we have are tales and stories, legends and myths, and author Derek Gow set out to discover the truth behind the fic3on. In his book, Hunt For the Shadow Wolf, Gow dives into the glimpses that remain and weaves together an impressive story of the once-mighty species that roamed the land. Gow's wri3ng is infec3ous, and the reader is easily swept along on the journey back through 3me. He speaks to locals, uncovers thousand- year-old tales, and discovers wri4en records from hundreds of years ago. Along the way, he paints a picture of a much-feared creature which Bri3sh society tried (and eventually succeeded) to wipe out. Gow, a renowned conserva3onist, would love to reintroduce the majes3c creature to Britain, and his book is an a4empt to under- stand where they went and why. A#er a thrilling introduc3on, each chapter tells a different story regarding the wolves of ancient Britain and the adventure Gow under- takes to uncover the truth. He is persistent and detail oriented as he follows the trail of the wolf up and down the length and breadth of Great Britain. What he uncovers says as much about humanity as it does about the four-footed sub- ject of the stories. People viewed wolves as dangerous animals based o#en on heresy and propaganda, and the drive to eradicate them was o#en driven by money. Hunt For the Shadow Wolf is an engaging se- ries of stories woven together to create a larger tapestry that will cap3vate you whether or not you're a fan of this furry, four-legged, misunder- stood canine. Book Reviews dividual traits we can learn from our feathered friends, according to Hamel, each one a posi3ve life lesson. She sug- gests that there's more to their seem- ingly random behavior than one would at first assume, and shows how we hu- mans could learn a thing or two from them. This book is a love le4er to Tedra Hamel's favorite fowl. RISE There is nothing quite like watching chickens on the first warm day of spring. After weeks of chill and darkness, hens can sense the warmth of dabbling sunlight, and are instinctively drawn toward it. There is a col- lective sigh of relief as they settle into a sunny patch, and feel the warmth on their feath- ers. Just as we slowly open our eyes every morning to the sun, our feathered friends, ener- getically wake up with the vernal equinox. Spring is a momentous time for us all to thaw out from the long winter. 2024 | HOOK MAGAZINE 47

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