Online OCT NOV DEC HOOK 2024

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52 HOOK MAGAZINE | 2024 overlooks the gardens and count- less other finishing touches throughout the home. Hip- pocrates said, "Life is short, art is long," meaning art (and architec- ture for that ma:er) lives on and becomes a legacy. And by assem- bling a team of the finest in their fields, Esgate did just that. She ensured the home, and its history, would live on. The gardens were, and con9nue to be, an integral part of the property. From the side yard soothing waterfall sounds can be heard, you can admire the speci- men plants and statuary or catch a glimpse of the birds that come to rest in the birdhouse or take a dip in the birdbath. In the front, giant mophead cypress provide privacy, while the bloom-lined driveway and porte cocheres an- nounce from the road that the story begins here. As Esgate ex- plains, "If you start with some- thing that has a story, you now become a part of the story." And like Miriam Wexler did before her, Pat Esgate is now the guardian of the gardens, steward of the struc- ture and will forever hold a place in this home's history. WRIGHT BROS. REAL ESTATE Russ Wooley, Owner 53 S Broadway, Nyack, NY 845.358.3050 www.wrigh9nnyack.com ... like Miriam Wexler did before her, Pat Esgate is now the guardian of the gardens, steward of the structure and will forever hold a place in this home's history.

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