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We are fortunate to live in a region rich in resources for those wishing to enjoy the outdoors. Many parks and forests offer opportuni5es for hiking and explora5on. Not to be overlooked are days on the water with boa5ng, kayaking, and fishing as fun and family friendly ac5vi5es. Local lakes and reservoirs offer a plethora of fish species, as lakes are stocked. From 5ny bluegills, delicious crap- pie, fierce figh5ng bass, elegant walleye, and voluptuous carp to the ruler of local waters - the mighty musky - in our local lakes. Whether one chooses to fish from a boat, kayak, or shore, the local waters are sure to reward both the novice and the experienced fisher. There is nothing like seeing a smile on your child's face when they catch and release a fish. This can be easily accom- plished while barbecuing on the beach or by ren5ng a kayak or boat, or an inflatable ra% depend- ing on the type of waterways. One of our most successful simple trips with the family was on a ra%ing trip down the Delaware river—during the four hours we used beginner rods and the most basic of baits such as the Mepps spinner. As the summer days get ho6er and the water gets warmer, fish become easier to catch because they are cold blooded and warmer water speeds up their metabolism. This makes for good fishing, especially during the first and last hour of daylight, o%en referred to by fisher people as the "magic hour." One of the easiest ways to catch a fish during the magic hour is to use a nightcrawler sus- pended beneath a bobber and cas5ng out next to some weeds. Bluegills, yellow perch, and crappie are the most suscep5ble to this style of fishing, but chain pickerel, bass, and walleye can occasion- ally fall for the bait. It is a treat no scaly resident of can ignore. For me, being on the water is a reward of its own. 2024 | HOOK MAGAZINE 59

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