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22 HOOK MAGAZINE | 2024 We travel to experience life, enrich ourselves and spend 5me with our closest companions. Some5mes that can be at a beach-front bungalow, other 5mes an alpine a-frame or in this case an art-filled oasis in the upstate NY hamlet of Hopewell Junc- 5on. Arriving at the grand iron gates guests are met with rolling hills, sunken gardens and majes5c trees, all which offer a bucolic backdrop to the art and an5que filled Airbnb that awaits. A%er leaving the NY fashion world behind, in 2016 Gemma kahng sold her place in SoHo and opted out of the urban landscape in ex- change for upstate living. She purchased a few unique proper5es that would become the blank canvases to her cra%. One in Newburgh, (that's also on the Airbnb market) another in Millbrook and this one in Hopewell Junc5on. Every inch here in Hopewell Junc5on is authen5c, ar5s5c and expertly curated. Framed covers of Vogue don the dining room and are a nod to the '90s when Gemma kahng ruled the runway with the look that launched a thousand shows and very well may have inspired a genera- 5on of women wearing power suits. In a New York Times ar5cle, Joe Zee, the crea5ve director of Elle magazine spoke of kahng and her influ- ence on the industry. "The late '80s and early '90s was about the power suit, and Gemma reinterpreted that with a chic sense of humor." That same sense of humor shines through in this house. Having dressed the likes of Madonna, Pink, Julia Roberts, and Sharon Stone, kahng's eye for style is evident in all that she does. "Buy the things you love," she says, "and you'll always find a place for them." Admi6edly kahng has a penchant for side tables and chandeliers and in a hunt around the house you'll dis- cover one is more beau5ful than the next. All are solid wood, some with marble tops, some hand-carved and some custom painted. Nothing is mass produced and each piece with a story to tell. The living room is reminiscent of a Vene5an grand salon where art history books coexist with upstate journals, dual crystal chandeliers Nothing is mass produced and each piece with a story to tell.

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